I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but I still wanted to share my experience when making a game for my first jam!

I'm still quite new to Gdevelop, i've made some quick prototypes (mostly platformers) but i never tried to do something like this, so i had an interesting time trying to turn my ideas into a playable game...and even then, it was a bit hard to come up with an interesting (and playable) game idea...

Here you can see a screenshot of the first version of the game (you can tell because of the placeholders), this is what i had on may 21st.

You couldn't do anything except couldn't even pick up the plates!

Here you can see some NPCs, one of which ended up being removed from the final game, the one on the left was supposed to be a cashier of some sort (and i wanted to add the detail of them playing solitaire and hiding it when you got close).

I plan on writing a more detailed post describing all the changes made...for example: did you know that the game was originally gonna be a platformer in which you had to take food to the top of a mountain?

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31 days ago

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